Bucky right click needs a buff (not to the point of pre nerf though)

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 11, 2021 10:21 PM

As we all know, Bucky's right click has been nerfed to the point of being the worst "attack" in the game. If you don't think so, go in an Unrated or DM and try mostly using the right click.

Yeah, it's basically impossible.

The Bucky is completely overshadowed by superior eco weapons (reasonings will be listed below) such as the Marshal, Stinger, Sheriff, the free Classic, and even the Shorty.

The Marshal is an incredibly solid weapon for long range duels and is the source of many clips; this reasoning applies to the Sheriff as well.

The Stinger is almost as good at close range as the Bucky while allowing for mid-range duels via the ADS burst.

The Classic is completely nutty right now and is essentially a free shotgun with its alt-fire, winning duels that are also in the Bucky's effective range.

And finally, the Shorty. The Shorty goes for the same reasons as the Classic in that its effective at close range while being incredibly cheap and a Sidearm.

The reason why these eco weapons are so much better than the Bucky isn't because of its slow fire rate but because of the right click being horrible. The Bucky has mediocre stats all over the board which, in theory, should be balanced out by the addition of a secondary attack that is versatile in certain situations.

But no, the secondary requires you to be standing completely still while crouching and aiming at the head of the target with a big ass crosshair for a CHANCE to kill someone at 10 meters. The randomness of the right click's spread at even very low distances added with the amount of precision required makes this an incredibly bad option. An option so bad, in fact, that the primary fire is better for every situation the Bucky can be in.

###How can this be fixed?

I do NOT want the Bucky to be in its previous state before the nerfs. It was broken and stupid that a shotgun had the ability to kill at rifle ranges. I do however, want the right click to at least be usable and a decent eco option that you can buy without people telling you that you're trolling.

Here are the buffs that I'd personally add for the Bucky:

Effective range for the ALT fire increased slightly

The ALT fire can't do anything the primary can better even when at its current "effective" range. To fix this, increase the range it can shoot at to be about 2 or 3 meters higher than it usually is. This would work by decreasing its spread per meter drop off

Decrease ALT fire walking inaccuracy

As of now you have to be completely standing still and crouching for the spread of ALT fire to not go all over the place. This can help in those situations where you are forced to move because of utility but also shoot at nearby enemies

Decrease its weight

The Bucky is the heaviest gun in the game for some reason. You go at a slower speed with a Bucky than an Odin or Operator which kinda makes no sense

Increase pellet count of ALT fire to 6-7 from 5

This is by far the most requested change to the Bucky for good reason. The ALT fire is incredibly weak mainly due to the fact that it literally cannot deal much damage because of the pellet count. Even ALT fires to the head at 10-15m will not kill because of the spread. To fix this, add 1 or 2 more pellets to give it some more punch and decrease the odds of being screwed over by bad RNG

That's the end of this post lol. Thanks for reading and comment if you agree or what not.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/q5erer/bucky_right_click_needs_a_buff_not_to_the_point/
  • https://reddit.com/q5erer

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