Buff Idea: Give Yoru a Loudspeaker

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 25, 2021 1:00 PM

In my opinion, one of the agents in valrant is Yaru. Even though riot says he is one of The sneakyest charcters in the whole game, He is probly the most UNsneaky people. Every time when I see a yaru in my loby, I gota turn my volume down To 3% so I dont loose my hearing from how loud yaru is from telaporteing every where. If you turn Your monitor off with Yaru in the loby, you Wouldnt be Able to tell if Your are playeing valrant or siting 3 Inches away from A jet engine. However, I think the best part about yaru is his hair style becuse its Blue and Also when yaru Is on the other Team its Basicaly like you have 6 player on Your team becase Yaru constantly broadcast where His team is the whole game with His loud abilitys..

As we all know , Yaru need a big buff, and I got a idea: let Yaru wear a loud speaker that constantly dastroys the Ear drum of every one in the whole Loby. This could be his 2nd pasive ability because His 1st pasive ability is wipeing out the elo from everyone on his own team.

This is what yaru LOUDSPEAKEr buff would look like in game:


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mbjatm/buff_idea_give_yoru_a_loudspeaker/
  • https://reddit.com/mbjatm

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