Posted by Steve
Thursday, May 11, 2023 5:05 PM
Hi, I want to share an idea to buff Chamber's trademark since the trap is really clunky, gets outclassed by every other sentinel trap, is easy to dodge and break, and has a really long cooldown if you want to reposition it, and is probably one of the weakest abilities in the game.
After the nerfs, Chamber is in a decent spot**(in my opinion)**, it's only his trap that lacks a lot of power, the rest of his abilities are weaker than before but are still useful and don't really need buffs at the moment, his ult is ok and much more fair than the old machine gun operator, his teleport is ok, even if you can't teleport half way across the map anymore, the fact that you can get a kill, and teleport away quickly is still really valuable, his headhunter is ok, it really just depends on the player's aim to get value on it or not.
This is going to be a buff for his trap, that won't exactly make the trap overpowered, but will make it feel less clunky, and more useful(also, chamber only has 1 trap, so breaking it means he has no more traps so having his only sentinel ability be a bit better would be good because of it being completely visible at any range, and can be heard really easily.)
- Cooldown when recalled reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Proximity radius to remain active increased from 40 meters to 50 meters(meaning that Chamber will need to be within 50 meters from his trap instead of 40, meaning he can be further away from his trap and still have it be active).
- Or bring back infinite range trap, because of the teleport no longer being an across the map tp, the non restricted trap could work.
These changes will make it so Chamber has more freedom when placing his only trap, since he'll have a bigger area in which his trap will stay active, and he'll be able to more comfortably reposition his trap if needing to rotate or just wanting to reposition his trap with a 10 second shorter cooldown(going from 30 to 20 seconds).
These change would also be nice because Chamber's trademark is easy to hear, and easy to see, so having the proximity radius for the trap to stay active be bigger will allow Chamber to better hide his trap, or place it somewhere safer on both attack and defense, without worrying about it being disabled all the time like it currently does and actually be able to help teammates and not staying all the way back to keep it active because of its current limitation of 40 meters.
Tell me what you think about this buff.
Idea to buff trademark:
- Cooldown when recalled reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Proximity radius to remain active increased from 40 meters to 50 meters(meaning that Chamber will need to be within 50 meters from his trap instead of 40, meaning he can be further away from his trap and still have it be active).
- Or bring back infinite range trap, because of the teleport no longer being an across the map tp, the non restricted trap could work.
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