Can you get a false Ban removed?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 19, 2020 5:04 AM

Hello Reddit,

yesterday i was smurfing with a few friends since they are sitting around plat-diamond and my main is imm3/Radiant.

Ive been playing this game since Beta and back then i had the same rank.

Im comming from a csgo background i even played "pro" in germany and even attended an ESL Meisterschaft Semi Final on LAN at gamescom.

Now yesterday i aced the enemy team in the pistol round and the enemy Reyna wrote "brb im getting you banned rn i know someone" and boom i actually got banned?

Opened a Ticket, Riot tells me theres nothing they can do like how the hell does that even happen? I never used cheats or anything ever...

I saw a similiar Thread like this a few days ago on here too...?



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