Can we not be placed in a match with someone that I just reported against?

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 9, 2022 11:33 PM

So we match up with someone and playerX is in our team or the opposite one, who is casually throwing/smurfing or just being an ass. Now we suffer through the whole match, prolly lose the match and RR too. Now I wait a couple of minutes and hit the big red Play and there they are, playerX (or their whole throwing duo/trio). Now either I bite the bullet if I'm feeling masochistic or alt-F4/dodge and be worried about me getting dodge penalty. A lot of times, people don't report cuz every match there is a playerX and they're tired of reporting all.

Now hear me out, how about Riot doesn't put me in a match with the player that I just reported against. Consider it blocking or whatever, but it'd be nice to avoid a toxic player that I just raised concern about. I often see a notification of Riot taking action against a player I reported, which is great. But until such review/action is taken, there has to be a way to prevent the reporter and the reported player in the same match. And that would incentivize reporting, albeit some might abuse it.

When I thought about it, I felt it might add some more delay to matchmaking cuz of the restriction, but let that be a minor deterrent for bad player and a normal player could afford to wait an extra minute than match up with the same throwing player again. That's my two cents on that.

Now, I hear there is an update to address the smurfing problem, don't know how. But this is a much more typical problem that needs to be handled soon.



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