Can riot do something about the toxic stuff girl gamers go thorugh?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, October 28, 2021 1:43 AM

I mean I know it's a very known fact , shit that girl gamers go through. I mean I swear it didn't stop until I started biting back ( I know that's immature but I don't wanna hold on shit that they say and I'm not mature enough to just ignore it ) but the thing is. I used to play rainbow and csgo , have to tell you , valo is comparatively less toxic. But considering that a lot of girls started their competitive game journey from valorant, it's sad that they have to endure this first hand. I wish valorant does something! Argh so tired with the fucking bs. Yes I have met good people but I FEAR playing alone . FEAR. that I am already having a bad day and decided to play to get my mind of it, or have been working a long week and need some enjoyment and I get guys screaming profanity. Whole ass squads of boys just ruining my day. Like bruh. Can I just breathe!?



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