Can we stop with harassing girls / super young players?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, October 11, 2020 7:00 PM

Can we stop with harassing girls / super young players?

Hello folks,

I am getting a bit of sick of other players harassing girls or younger players (boys, girls). I know that every guy likes to talk to a girl and all that, but can we not be pricks and push people away from the game?

In one of my recent ranked games (Plat ranks), I had a male youngster (10-14), and two players in my team who, immediately after he used voice started bothering him if he is a girl and how old is he, and all other stuff. I was not premade with anyone, and I started being vocal and tried to defend the youngster, and told them to stop bothering and focus on playing. They kept pushing and, at some point, calling me the daddy/father, and being toxic/harmful to me as well. I didn't mind too much, but it got annoying when they kept pushing for several rounds against the youngster and me. After 5-6 rounds, the youngster and I were making some nice plays and being top 2 fraggers. The "bullies" were last, and one of them having 0 frags and making some dubious decisions. At some point they just went silent. After that, they were sucking up and cheering the kid. I understand that bad games happen to everyone and that sometimes even as a duelist, you can't make those frags, and that's ok. However, if you act like a prick at the start, and don't want to give up, and later on trying to suck upon those same people just because they are nice and carrying the team, it is quite lame.

In the end, I was happy for the youngster on my team and cheering up for him since he ended up carrying and clutching several rounds. Even when we were losing, the kid was positive, making some nice comments and cheering up everyone.

Since me and my friends are getting quite sick of negative and toxic people, we decided to start a small Valorant community for people who want to either enjoy the games or grind through the ranks together with like-minded people. Feel free to join us on Discord! -

TL;DR: Try to be nice in the ranked games! Everyone has a bad day, bad match, bad round(s). Even your Raze and Reyna maybe don't frag much in several of rounds, but it's not going to help them or your team if you harass them and push them around. Try to be positive, give intel, call out for help, give insights, try to give tips while not being too pushy.



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