Posted by Steve
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:57 PM
I was just watching some early beta videos of Valorant and everything felt so crisp, clean and smooth.
That’s something I get once every 5-10 games or so because I mostly play during the day.
I’ve been trying to play during the off hours early in the morning and the game just responds so much better. It’s a night and day difference, playing like a different game. Also the fps on my pc is from 190 average to 220. No Ferrari peeks, no players gliding when peeking, making shooting them near impossible, shots properly registering, no opponents seemingly shooting faster nor does it feel like playing half a second behind at times, making climbing up ranks much easier and enjoyable imo.
I guess after the release(ive also heard people talking about the 0.5 patch causing many issues) either it was the huge influx of players, Riot’s decision to cut down on server costs or a combination of both that caused the quality of the gameplay to plummet.
It’s not a matter of “git gud”, i’m immortal and so many people have said the same thing. I have a good setup, i’ve talked with support for fix, they even admitted games during peak hours can have effect on the gameplay. During the day I have to play like a rat so much more often to cheese kills at times.
We need to have a proper discussion with the game developers about this issue because I among of many would like to have smoother gameplay during the daytime and evenings. I read somewhere that there are 3 games played on a server’s single thread, maybe that’s the cause of overloads and desync? I don’t know, i’m just guessing.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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