Can we talk about players AFKing during rounds but moving&shooting during buy phase to avoid penalties? This is a huge problem in low ELO ranked that I have never seen mentioned on this subreddit. To me it deserves a big penalty

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 30, 2021 1:29 PM

Here is an example of a Jett who moved and emptied her classic during every buy phase. Yet at the start of each round she stops moving and is AFK for the rest of the round. This is obviously someone trying to throw to lose RR without getting any AFK penalty.

The way she moves at the start of each round could make me think it's also a bot or some sort of program doing it? It's hard to believe a human would lose an hour of their time like that.

This is not the first time I'm seeing this, but this is honestly really hard to play a game knowing it's going to be a 4v5. Especially in ranked. We all reported this player (and many like that before) but I never got a confirmation of a ban. To me, this account should be perma banned. Not only the player is throwing but they are not DCing so they mess with the team eco + give the other team kills.

I have never seen this kind of attitude mentioned on this subreddit yet it's something that I encounter semi-regularly in silver and gold lobbies. What do you guys think?

And this particular guys uses Japanese characters to make it even harder to copy/paste their name and report it. Do you know of ways to report this player to Riot outside of the game report system?



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