Can we, as a community, agree to stop screaming for a res when there are enemies nearby?

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 8, 2022 8:41 AM

I've seen it countless times where people are literally crying for a res, only to be given one and immediately killed again. This may not be a problem in higher elo, but as a bronze 2 it's all the time. The final straw for me was today when I was playing on fracture. Kayo and I were on B site, where enemy sage and skye killed him during his ult. He was literally screaming at me to reset him even though they were still in tower. I proceeded to kill them, gave him the reset, and he kept on screaming about how I should have revived him sooner. I asked him "why are you freaking out? They would have killed both of us if I did that, instead I killed them and you got you res." He responded by saying "you should have just stood in front of me." Like what???



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