Posted by Steve
Friday, May 26, 2023 4:36 AM
Have just read a post with people saying they have been waiting over a year + for certain skins, and I have friends that have been waiting that long and checking the store every day.
It is almost like (and probably is) this practice of rotating skins becomes more and more predatory with each new skin line that comes out because the other skins now have 4-6 more that join the pot
with only 4 store slots, you have to pray harder and harder to RNGesus every new collection
Back when the game first released, you could be a lot more confident if you just waited for a certain skin it would come up eventually.
Riot just doesn’t seem to care/is making too much money from this practice to want to make any changes on their own.
But maybe it’s possible for the community to band together and demand another store slot that should have been added a long time ago.
Waiting over a year for a certain skin is just insanity
I know there’s gonna be doomers saying Riot wont ever do this because money, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t disagree.
But I feel it’s also increasingly infuriating that not only does the system suck in this very moment for if you want a certain skin TODAY, it gets increasingly worse for that skin with each new line release.
Adding a new store slot should be a matter of WHEN not IF, but it seems like the community will have to be loud for this to happen at this point
new skins keep being added
harder and harder to find a certain skin in store
extra store slot should be demanded by community at a certain point (I think now)
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