Can't play the game anymore because of racist remarks almost every time I use comms

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 17, 2021 3:52 PM

I play the game just to relax after a long day. I am decent at it but the amount of abuse I get whenever I try to use comms just makes me feel worse after. I am always polite and never rage because I am a little older and not overcome with nasty emotions when we lose. It is a game and we are here to have fun.
I know the major demographic of gamers in the NA region is white male teenagers and the amount of racial slurs these guys spew is making me question if general society in the US looks at outsiders in the same way. "DoNt use CoMms then" is a vey bad argument I believe, as it literally makes a person feel like their voice doesn't matter. Is there no space for someone with an accent on here? I can't recall an instance in real life here where anyone has been so outright racist with me. Is this really how white teenager groups in the US talk about people from different countries?



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