Cant queue a single game in plat without smurfs

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 5, 2023 10:07 AM

Im a fulltime student so the evening is the only time i can really play. I queue ranked and either I get carried by some 30 kill silver 3 raze that somehow gets matched with me in plat 2 or i get absolutely smoked on by some immortal 3 jett smurf. Legit every game I queue its just a coinflip whether I get the smurf or the enemy team, either side of said coin makes me feel more like a spectator than a player.

I think having second accounts is a fine thing, if you have 2 accounts in the same mmr its easier to stay calm even after losing a few matches, it takes away the pressure of only having that one account to grind on.
However, what i do think is a problem is that the accounts of smurfs stay in lower elos for too long, if people are dropping 30 kills every game they should maybe skip a division more often to get closer to their true rank.

I dont think smurf queue, as league had it, is a good solution either but the way ranked games are right now is unbearable. You lose 25rr for a 14 15 kd 5 13 round loss because unranked jett and silver 3 reyna are tearing plat 2 players apart but you gain 13rr when your smurf wins the smurf duel against the other one. Thats not how i want to lose or win games.



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