Capitalize off missing information

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 9, 2021 10:21 PM

Context: I have already posted this in the omen mains and agent academy subreddit and am looking for tips that could apply to everybody or just omen.

In the hypothetical scenario:

  1. It is a 1v1 clutch.
  2. You and the enemy know where each other are.
  3. You teleport into a safe cubby.
  4. The enemy hears your teleport. Now, the enemy knows you either fake tped or are in the cubby. However I know where they are, how do I capitalize off their missing info? Other than that, how do I capitalize off missing info in general? In clutches? What scenarios can I gain an advantage? and which ones can I not? If you want, you can come up with a custom scenario If mine is bad.



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