Cascade agent select?

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 14, 2023 4:36 PM

So recently I have been running into a problem with insta lock duelists. In principle this is not a problem since it’s a needed role in any good comp. However 4/5 times these players have no comms, ego peek everything and bottom frag with 20+ deaths.

While watching a video be theScore Esports they talked about cascading agent select. Essentially you’re randomly assigned a number 1-5. 1 picks first then 2 and so on. This to me seems like a good solution for these kinds of players. Personally I would like to see this implemented since it doesn’t harm players who know more then one role and have 2-3 agents they are comfortable on. All it does is stop your team from instantly having a Reyna and a Jett.



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