Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 27, 2021 10:50 PM
The agent is actually a balanced sentinel , neither too OP nor too weak. But then you all are gonna say:"What about his Q and Ult combined with his TP? Aren't those supposed to make him a duelist?" For that, first look at your elo . He isnt a great agent to play at low elos where people hardly knows to aim and have really slow reaction times. For the high elos, u cant just use the Headhunter all the time and throw winnable rounds.
He isnt utility based as the other 3 sentinels , hence the TP in order to anchor the site by holding awkward angles; with the disability to do huge rotations like that of Yoru TP / Omen ult.
He is the epitome of economy. When ur team is on a save round , u use ur Headhunter for guaranteed picks. While u can use ur Ult after buying a fellow teammate who has worse eco than u.
And like any other sentinel, he is also vulnerable. Placing ur TP in the open, or TPing too late can get u killed. But his info gathering is somewhat decent , thanks to his traps, which are not invisible like that of Cypher and KJ from a large distance.
So yeah, Chamber is sort of a Reyna, where ur mechanical skill displays the outcome of ur defense round. Surely,the character is refreshing to use :)
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