Chamber is too forgiving of an agent

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 16, 2022 11:48 AM

I think the strongest part of chamber isnt his op that one shots you in the pinkie toe, a pocket guardian or a tp but rather how forgiving all of these tools are. Chamber can make a lot of mistakes and get away with it because of how good his tempo is. Let me break it down on how forgiving parts of his kit actually are.

The biggest weakness of the normal op is its slow fire rate. Missing a shot can have massive consequences which is why so few agents can viable use. Its allows the enemy to reposition, to respond with utility, make shots against you, or gap close. Chamber Tour de Force minimizes these weakness with how fast the fire rate is. Someone like me who is bad with normal op can still get value out of chamber op because of how fast its fire rate is. I can completely whiff the first shot but correct for the second shot because of how much less time between shots the enemy has to punish me missing my first shot. This is a running theme in chambers current status where enemies have extremely small windows to counter chamber.

I think this is best shown with his tp. I personally dont have a problem with the tp being able to deny trades for that is what it is designed to do but the incredible low cd is the biggest problem. After chamber tps away enemies only have 20 seconds before chamber is safe to make another play. 20 seconds may sound like enough time but remember when astras cds especially on suck and stun were only 20 seconds. What would end up happening was you would get spaced out and stalled out by the potenial danger of an astra star, you eventually get astra to pop that star, and in place of getting spaced by an astra star astra's teammates would use their own utility to stall out your team giving astra enough time to repeat that cycle. Im saying chamber is exactly the same. Chamber spaces out your team from peeking an angle due to his safety of being able to take an aggressive angle. You have to bait it out before you can make a play agaisnt that chamber. Chambers teammates stall out your team with their own utitly giving enough time for chamber to regain his tp to restart the cycle. If chamber gets a pick with his sniper enemies have even less time because they have to wait for his 9.5 SECOND slow to dispate buying chamber half his cd time alone. In additon, just like old astra chamber has insane map pressence because of how low his cd is. Chamber has the 3rd fastest rotate in the game only behind yoru and neon. Chamber can quickly provide addtional man power to another side of the map because of how fast he can rotate basically making taking sites at times always against 3 or more agents and he can just fast rotate back if the other team also starts to rotate or something.

Chamber is meant to be a deadeye sniper, calculating every shot but in his current state he is far too forgiving. Im not saying to completely remove this strength because his tempo is a part of his identity but tone it down and allowing the enemy more time and breathing room to address chamber. Reward chambers that can hit their shots but punish those who cant. Keep his tp strong but give him less over all so him tping during the round is a massive thing like jett wasting a dash or kayo throwing his knife. Further reinforce this percision sniper with very little room to make mistakes. Narrow the margin between being a professional with standards vs a crazed gun man.



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