Chamber isn't going to be that good

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 4:21 PM

Chamber isn't going to be that good

First of all this is my first post so please forgive me if it doesn't look that good.

Chamber is the new agent that's coming to valorant in episode 3 act 3 and so far people are saying he's going to be broken or really good in the game but I actually have a different opinion. I think he is going to turn into a second Yoru situation.

Now before you start flaming let me explain.

I'm coming into this post off of the idea that people have been calling him a better Yoru or the Yoru rework in a new agent mostly bc of his teleport ability being quite similar. As a Yoru main I was also in this boat at first and got really excited going into it but with the most recent gameplay and information revealed about him I think he isn't that good.

Let's start with his first ability Trademark. It's basically a Sage slow built into an alarm bot and all things considered, outside of his ult it's probably going to be his best most consistent ability, but not without it's downsides. First of those being that unlike an alarm bot it is visible from far away making it easier to spot and destroy if not placed in a strategic position. That coupled with the fact that it looks like it takes really long to activate makes it really easy for the enemy to locate and destroy it before the slow effect pops. However it's really good that the effect triggers on the enemy's location and not on the trap like a KJ alarm bot. Overall I think it's gonna have it's good uses if placed correctly and if all else fails it can still provide information on the enemy's position.

His second ability Headhunter is where I start seeing some overreaction on the community's part, specifically on the eco side of things. I'm not saying this is a bad ability, far from it, but it's going to require a lot of mechanical skill to be useful. It's basically a sheriff that can aim down sights, has no damage fall off at distance, has no first shot inaccuracy , pulls out twice as fast and one thing people don't seem to have noticed, it has the same slowing effect as the traps and his ult on kill. The reason I don't think this is going to be as broken as people say is mostly bc of the skill required to make that ability work and also the risk involved (especially if there's a Kay/o on the enemy team). You need to buy ammo for the gun as oposed to the gun itself and it maxes out at 8 bullets meaning once that runs out you get no reload so you need to hit your shots to make the ability count. Now people are saying it's going to be pretty broken for eco and pistol rounds but I'm not really sold on that, especially on pistol rounds. In pistol rounds you can buy full ammo but that's basically the same as buying a sheriff and unlike a sheriff if you don't hit whithin those 8 bullets you can't use the gun anymore which makes it more risky than buying a sheriff especially on a round where people are more likely to be running around as opposed to standing still for sprays in later rounds. And if you only buy some of the bullets you're gonna have to make your shots count even more not to mention the mental handicap that it brings in itself making you hesitate if you're affraid to miss your shots. Overall I feel like it's going to be more useful as a strong sidearm as opposed to an all-in eco weapon unless you're Scream and hit one taps for a living.

Now here comes the ability that led me to make this post in the first place, Rendezvous. His signature ability and the ability that led to the Yoru comparisons. You place down 2 anchors on the map and can teleport between them with a 15 sec cooldown. Based on the footage we had and the ability description it looked like a better Yoru teleport that is both safer and has more longevity but after looking at all the new information we got I think it's worse in most aspects. The main thing that leads people to believe his tp is going to be OP is how fast it looks on activation, however that is only when leaving the place he was in, making it more akin to a Jett dash than a Yoru teleport, but when you arrive at the other anchor it takes just as long if not longer to take your gun out than in a Yoru tp. Now couple that with the fact that the anchors have a fixed range they can be from each other and that it is apparently louder than a Yoru tp. The way I see it, his tp has 2 advantages over Yoru's:

1- It's faster on leaving.

2- You can go back and forth between them.

Now here's where the downsides make this a worse Yoru tp in my opinion. The anchors are visible from long range as opposed to Yoru's where you need to be close to see them, they are also destroyable. The sound on tp is louder than Yoru's which coupled with it's 30 meter radious between the anchors makes it so that no matter where you try to place your tp the enemies will always hear where you are making all the outplays you see in the gameplay footage basically impossible to pull off in game. Add to that the fact that he doesn't have a flash ability to synergize with his tp to make it safer and his tp starts to feel like it will have less uses than Yoru's. The only part of his kit that could synergize well would probably be his slows which from what I can see in the footage it seems to also deafen the enemies to some extent making it maybe possible to teleport more safely, but only to the enemies that are whithin the slow field. His most useful use for the tp being using it as a buget jett dash that requires setup but as soon as you tp back the anchor will probably get destroyed by the enemies pushing in. It might also have some use in situations where you only change your position vertically but at most that gives you a 50/50 chance of winning a duel which doesn't really give you an advantage and I think after a few weeks of him being out people will start getting used to that.

Finally his ultimate ability Tour de Force. It's by far his strongest ability, as it should since it's the ult, and basically gives him a free Operator at the cost of 7 ult points. It has faster rate of fire than an operator and lower than a marshall, it has double scoping like an op, kills from a direct shot anywhere, scopes in faster than an OP and slows enemies on kill similar to trademark. There's not much to say in regards to this ability, it's basically going to be as good as the player using it and is going to be really good for eco rounds like jett knives are.

He has 2 basic problems in the way riot designed and implemented him that prevent him from getting into the meta in my opinion. The first being that he does a lot of things but most of what he does there are agents that do better, for example, holding down a site: KJ's alarm bots are invisible and blow up faster giving the same info and players still react fast enough to break it, making the slow effect on Trademark probably not appear as often, which Sage could achieve any time she wanted. Repositioning both in site and cross map: due to his tp's range he can't tp cross map making Yoru better at this than him, and seeing that his tp is louder than Yoru's repositioning inside the site is not going to be as useful, which Omen could do better as well. Being a smurf agent: that is more debatable but I think Reyna could still do it better since she requires just as much mechanical skill but gets a bigger reward for killing allowing her to snowball in the rounds. That's just the examples I could come up with. The second problem is from riot's mistake that they made with Yoru as well, which is overbalancing the agent, they were too worried about not making him overpowered that they ended up making him underpowered and that is very apparent in his tp ability which suffers from the same drawbacks as Yoru's tp if not even a bit more simply due to the way they were designed, but Yoru still has his flashes to cover for his tp.

My overall opinion on this agent is that he's probably going to end up being in the same state that Yoru ended up in a few weeks after release. He might be a pretty fun agent to play but he's not going to be meta defining and I don't think he'll get that big a place in the meta in general. I think he has some pretty fun abilities and stalling ability on par with sage, provided you can hit your shots of course, and might be pretty useful on eco rounds but I don't think that's enough to make him get into the meta and he definitely isn't a better Yoru.

This might be a bit of a hot take and I honestly hope I get proven wrong when he comes out and people actually find uses for his tp or riot makes the necessary changes for it to be more useful. Feel free to comment your opinions on my statements and the agent in general, I'd love to have a discussion about the state of this agent with anyone interested.

All the information I had to formulate my opinion can be found in this video:

TLDR: I don't think Chamber is gonna be as good as everyone thinks because his abilities are only as consistent as the player and he's definitely not a better Yoru since his tp has the same drawbacks as Yoru's and even more.



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