Chamber is not a duelist, and shouldn't be played like one

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 25, 2022 6:02 PM

I'm tired of hearing this sentiment and although I understand where the misconception lies it's a little frustrating to see people try and play him like one.

Chamber is good at fragging out. it's his specialty as his teleports give him leverage to quickly get out of any unfavorable situation.

But I feel like this misconception comes from another issue, which is that people don't understand the purpose of duelists.

Duelists are really good at getting lots of kills, but that's a byproduct of their purpose which is entryfragging. The job of a duelist is to help utilize space created by initatiors/controllers by pushing in for their team and providing them with utility to follow behind them. By doing this, they tend to be at the front and center of every gunfight which inevitably creates more opportuinites for them to get kills. Every duelist has at least 1 tool at their disposal that allows them to offensively support their team and push in (Neon's stun, raze's everything, jett's smokes, reyna's flashes).

Now compare this to Chamber. Chamber is INSANELY good at securing kills but the difference between him and duelists is their core function and method of getting kills. Chamber is meant to lock down areas and watch unsafe angles. This usually leads to him encountering people roaming while defending, or catching rotations while attacking.

This is the thing that creates opportunities for him to get kills, not his ability to debilitate enemies and play aggressively. Both a Chamber and a Jett can frag out when put under the right circumstances, but that doesn't mean that chamber can be used interchangably with a jett as an aggressive playmaker.

Chamber is incredibly strong, but I feel like we're yet to see his true potential until people stop comparing him to duelists and see his kit for what it is; a defensive flank watcher with high kill potential.



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