Posted by Steve
Sunday, December 11, 2022 4:07 AM
Chamber is not bad now. He is different and you need to play him differently than you were before this patch. I'm gonna make a couple points here so try to follow along.
- Chamber is not good on every map now. This is a good thing as it allows other sentinels to have maps that they are the best at now. Breeze is not a good map for chamber anymore don't play him there. Other maps like pearl you need to change how you play him. On pearl you cannot effectively hold b site and mid as chamber. IF you want to play him on pearl you need to play on A site or in mid. Most maps just require you to actually think about where you place your trip and where you can play because of that.
2)What made chamber good is still there. His head hunter is still great it just requires a little more aim in some cases. Its still the best pistol in the game. His ult is still faster than an op just not as fast as it used to be. It still has the slow field which means he can still solo hold a site with it as the other team cannot push for 4 seconds after one of them dies. He also can still tp to a safe spot you just need to think about it.
3)In order to play chamber correctly now you have to be proactive instead of reactive. You need to swing the other team instead of holding an angle. With his tp change you need to treat it like pre nerf jet dash. You want to sing into an off angle or into the other team take a shot then tp out and get to safety. If you wait for them to push you they can simply push you after you tp. Basically you need to swing the other team instead of waiting on them to swing you. This makes chamber more reliant on team mates to flash for him but that isn't a bad thing.
TLDR: People are overreacting to the chamber changes. The people who say he is trash now were using him as a crutch. Now he actually requires a little bit of braincells.
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