Chamber Team Comp

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:33 AM

I was thinking about this team comp,

[Chamber, Astra, **Flash Agent**, **Any Agent (Ideally Support/Sentinel)**, And Jett]

Question 1: Which flash agent should I choose - I was thinking Reyna but then the team comp would have two duelist and a missing initiator - I don't know if that may be unbalanced and ineffective so I was wondering if Skye would be better since she does have guiding light as a flash. However Proguides, Valorant tips, tricks, and guides said that she is the worst flash agent and that Reyna is the best so I don't know who's better for the teamcomp. Should I pick Reyna and risk having no duelist or should I use Skye (is she the worst flash agent anyways?)? - Im drafting a team btw, I am not choosing between maining Reyna or Skye.

Question 2: Given the flash agent is Reyna/Skye which agent should I pick for the "Any Agent" spot, I am looking for which agent would be best with the other four agents. I noticed I was missing a true sentinel because chamber is a flex duelist (duelist/sentinel Hybrid) so I was wondering if Killjoy would work? Would Killjoy work well with the other 4 agents or should I pick another Sentinel (or do I even need sentinel to begin with?)?



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