Posted by Steve
Thursday, May 11, 2023 5:19 PM
Hi, I want to share my thoughts on chamber(I know I'm a nobody)
Chamber is really weak right now, they nerfed his whole kit too much, they nerfed his trap because riot wants Cypher to be more of a flank watcher than the other sentinels, with 2 traps that have no range restriction, and even Killjoy while having range restriction, provides more utility and information than chamber, Chamber just places down 1 trap that's easy to counter, because even though it has a massive search radius, it's easy to see and break, takes way too long to activate, and has an exaggeratedly long 30 second cooldown, and making it feel weird and clunky to reposition, and it's range restricted
Killjoy is annoying to play against, she has an overtuned kit in my opinion, and isn't exactly hard to play as, while she also has range restricted traps like chamber,she has more traps and better utility and gives better info, her turret gives info, deals damage, and slows enemies, and when destroyed it goes on cooldown, her alarmbot goes invisible and when it detects an enemy, it gives info on where they are makes enemies hit by it take double damage for its duration, she has 2 powerful grenades that go covert and have a massive AOE and deal absurd amounts of damage, and a powerful ultimate that can clear out a whole site with a giant AOE and detains enemies hit by it for 8 full seconds costing the same as chamber's ult.
Cypher has 2 non range restricted traps that reveal enemies through walls and smokes, and even concusses them if they don't break it, 2 smoke type cages that block vision, and give info by playing an audio when enemies go through one, and has a camera that can be used to get info on enemy positions without having to expose himself, and an ult that ping enemies twice revealing their location.(although Cypher does take a lot of skill to play/ is hard to play and master, he does provide good utility and great information)
Sage has a strong wall with a lot of health that can help her team either cross a dangerous area safely, or to prevent a push from the enemy team, she has 2 massive slow fields that last 7 seconds each and slow enemy movement speed by 50%, a healing orb on cooldown that can heal an ally back to full health, and an ultimate that resurrects a dead teammate and brings them back with full health.
Meanwhile Chamber... He only has 1 trap, it only slows enemies and only for 4 seconds, his Tp is ok but you travel a much shorter distance than before(the tp change was fair and needed except for the permanent destruction)and it doesn't go on cooldown when destroyed like every other sentinels signature abilities, and his ult and headhunter require good mechanical skill to get value out of, and he has really long cooldowns on his trap and teleport. And his kit is way too expensive compared to all the other sentinels who just have better kits of abilities for cheaper than Chamber's and all other agents in every role have cheaper kits than chamber.
Both Cypher and killjoy have really fast cooldowns on their abilities compared to Chamber, and just provide more info with less risk than chamber. Chamber is just clunky, and needs to be looked at, he really needs some buffs, even if he's only buffed a little bit at a time, any buff could make chamber a bit better and not feel so clunky, because having a character that's this bad in a videogame and not doing anything about it makes the ones that do play that character annoyed and bored, and even being called a troll for picking this character and even receiving threats for playing a character you find fun in a videogame. Having a dead character is bad for a game or just makes it feel weird.
TL;DR: Chamber needs to be buffed at least a little bit to make him more reliable/viable without making him overpowered.
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