Chamber's Real Name???

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 6, 2021 12:31 PM

Chamber's Real Name???

Hi guys.. I'm back again with another weird theory. I was exploring the map Fracture in a custom game after I noticed they changed the images in the announcement room as well as put the little white furry horned creatures from League all around the map to advertise Arcane. However, what they also changed was the message on the system - it changed to this . The text says


'Security clearance for Vincent Fabron has been reinstated.


Enjoy your time at Everett-Linde.'

We're given the name Vincent Fabron, yes? However, you can also see this image. I think it strongly resembles Chamber, especially in this playercard. Does it mean that Chamber's real name is Vincent Fabron?? The name definitely suits him.

It says Security Clearance: 7 - Does that mean this was the 7th security clearance? Maybe this could tell us something if we had more info but I'm not sure..

Another thing - I noticed an interactable in attacker side spawn in the corner of the radianite boxes - you have to walk into the corner to be able to notice it. I didn't realise there were interactables aside from the emails and the ID card. The interactable pulled up this message. I can't read it at all, but could someone else help to interpret it??

Again, like last time I'm still not entire sure about the theories I post which is why I ask you guys to contribute :)) There's always more to learn, even if it's just the theory being disproved. What do you guys think??!



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