Posted by Steve
Monday, February 14, 2022 7:00 AM
Chameleon agent idea
The chameleon has no real abilitys of his own. He has RP (replication-points) which he can use to learn abilities from his fallen teammates.
For example:
1: The chameleon has located his neutralized teammate Brimstone. Brimstone did not have time to use two of his smokes before he died, so the chameleon can use 10 of his RP to replicate the two smokes.
2: The chameleon has located his neutralized teammate Sage. Sage died with an active ultimate, so the chameleon uses 25 RP to learn resurrection and use it on Reyna.
Before each round, the chameleon invest in buying RP. The chameleon can only learn skills which his teammates have bought but not had time to use before they died. And he can only learn one ultimate each round.
The chameleon has a ultimate of his own, when he activates it, the cost of the points needed to learn a ability is reduced.
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