Cheater boosting Silvers to Diamond+

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 11, 2020 11:04 PM

Last night I had a game where all enemy players were Silver1 previous act and currently Diamonds. Their Jett had Aim + Wall Hacks and he wasn't even trying to hide that he's cheating while his teammates obviously knew that and were getting carried to that high rank badge.

This is not the first time I encounter cheaters in EU.

If Riot implements Solo Queue this type of boosting will be impossible. Silvers have no place in those ranks and being able to queue as a party to get boosted with a blatant cheater or Radiant friend is just.. stupid.

I'm not mad that we lost, we were having fun that game with my team, however competitive party queue has more issues than it solves. Maybe take notes from Dota 2 and implement separate rank for Solo and Party?



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