Clip: In the mind of a Radiant. AskRadiant - Free Valorant community. How to improve your gameplay

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 14, 2021 4:50 PM

Clip: In the mind of a Radiant. AskRadiant - Free Valorant community. How to improve your gameplay


I thought about short helpful clips of high tier mid and lategame situations, which I comment and analyze to help others not to copy those mistakes. Most players have an idea of ​​how to start a round, but also many times they don't know of ​​how to finish it successfully. I thought of a community that goes into more detail on how to solve recurring situations. That's why I started the Discord community AskRadiant. Players can e.g. send in their own short clips to get tips from other community members on how they could have solved a situation better.

We'll also be making clips like this one on a regular basis. You also get insights into the minds of a Radiant player. Here I added one of them:

Our idea is to create a community that will help each other to improve in valorant. The tactical aspect is in the foreground here, but other information and help is gradually being added.

So spread the word to help yourself and others.

To myself:

I have been into multiplayer FPS-games for a long long time by now and since CS 1.6 Valorant is the first competitive shooter that catched me big time. I am also quite successful when it comes to ranked matches so I managed to be in the top100 EU several months.





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