Coming from DOTA, Valorant matchmaking still has a lot to work on.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 10:36 AM

Dota had something called a conduct score (CS), basic system. If you were nice to your teammates, played your role-- you get commended by teammates. If you were toxic, you get reported.

Reports make your CS go down, commends make your CS go up. Players with low CS play with other low CS players as "punishment" and vice versa. All in all this punishment encourages less toxic behavior in matches. (If you really get reported numerous times, you cannot queue for a day or two)

I find queue times honestly too fast (1-2 mins)? Back in DOTA my queue times were always 4-7 mins. If the game needs more time to find me a good match, then I don't mind the extra minutes.

I know Riot is working on something similar to a conduct score, but I just wanted to share my feedback regarding the current state of matchmaking.

(Currently silver 1, was around Legend in Dota-- valo equivalent is platinum I think)



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