Posted by Steve
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:09 PM
Questioning your teammates calls is completely fine, but only after the round ends. If a person is communicating well, they might ask you to do a sub-optimal play that in turn allows them to make the best play possible.
If you play Sova or Brim for example, you might get asked to ult an unlikely spot without vision. Whether or not your ult gets a kill is irrelevant as oftentimes your teammate has a plan in mind which requires your ult to work.
The skill in this case is not quickly being able to judge whether a callout is good but to try to make it work even if its sub-optimal. For example if you, as Sova, are asked to ult a corner without vision and nobody is there, it is on you to use the other 2 ult shots as well as you can. Questioning the call or using dart/drone to get vision of the corner first might ruin your teammates plans.
Another example is being asked as a Jett to instantly dash onto site that is covered by Cypher. Your goal here is to successfully dash on to site as soon as possible. Your response should be to either ask Sova or Raze to throw a util at the entry to clear out the wires or to updraft before dashing into a smoke. Your response should not be questioning the play or wasting 20 seconds trying to clear out every corner and destroy every trap.
When I played on gold-plat elo I could not believe how many of calls done by anyone were questioned. The call to rotate, to push a site, to split, everything was questioned and not committed to. It might sound weird, but a team can only work together well if your response to the call "Jump" is "How high?"
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