Competative etiquette

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 26, 2020 5:04 AM

  1. Have a working mic with team chat enabled

VALORANT is a very team based game, and in comp especially it's good to have communication

  1. Make sure you have time to do comp

If you know you have something to do in a bit, do not que in comp. Having an AFK and D/C in comp drastically changes the game and hurts your team

  1. Don't belittle/demoralize/verbally hurt teammates

If your losing and your upset about it, that's fine, but dont start taking it out on your team

  1. Do not insta lock an agent

By insta locking an agent, your restricting what could be someone's main, or an agent someone excels at. Unless you are good with that agent, dont insta lock it. Also, do not lock in agents you dont know how to play. Play what you know how to play.

  1. Have a good amount of unrated experience

Even though you only need to play 16ish games to que for comp, I recommend playing more than that. Improve your game sense and knowledge of the game. Reason I'm saying this is, unranked people will often be qued up with ranked people. By not having proper experience, you will not be as helpful, and risk de ranking others.

  1. Last Alive Comms

Dont use voice chat if there is only 1 team mate left standing. He/she needs to be able to listen for the enemy and concentrate. Use pings and text chat to tell them where the enemy is.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to voice your opinions in the comments. If you having anything to add, comment it, and I'll add it up there. Have a Merry Christmas!



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