Posted by Steve
Saturday, August 21, 2021 11:05 AM
Hey everyone! I’m a new player to Valorant and PC FPS games in general.
Started playing ranked solo recently and am currently silver 3. I’m hoping to push towards plat soon so I can play with my higher ranked friends. Not playing with them right now since I don’t want to drag them down or carry me up towards the higher rank without the skill needed.
I’m a controller/sentinel main as I notice most ppl tend to choose duelists like Jett/Raze/Reyna, so usually I can pick whoever I want.
Been mostly playing Viper/Brimstone whenever I choose controller or Sage/Cypher whenever I play as a sentinel.
I avoid duelists/initiator roles as honestly I’m not that good at being an entry and making space for the team or going directly into a 1v1 gunfight as my aim isn’t the best so I do tend to lose them the majority of the time.
So was wondering if ur guys thoughts are on between choosing to unlock Astra or Omen.
I’m currently leaning towards Astra as she looks to be the more defensive of the 2 which I prefer. Also her pulls and stuns seem fun to learn. But heard that Omen is easier to play and is more self sufficient with his flash and ult for fast travel/info.
Any advice would be appreciated!
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Posted by Otto
Friday, February 4, 2022 5:19 AM
Could someone ELI5 what happened here? I know Yoru used his ult but I clearly heard him come out of it and plant, then he's not there.

Posted by Otto
Thursday, January 19, 2023 4:36 AM
Why is nobody talking?
Posted by Otto
Monday, January 24, 2022 3:53 PM