Controlling AFK Players Characters after death?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 29, 2022 6:31 PM

One of my favorite features of CSGo were bots.

They legit made AFK's feel SO much less bad.

For those who dont know, bots would stay in a position if you told them to (similar as AFK's in Valorant staying in spawn) and once you died, you could take controll of them.

I kinda wish Valorant had this feature. CSGo removed it cuz people would vote out teammates (so they left the game) just to take controll of bots. Since Valo doesnt have a vote system like this, id love to see a "controll AFK-players character" type feature.

If anyone knows what im talking about, or if you feel what im saying, do you agree on a feature like this?

You'd still be at a disadvantage since you need to move the bot from spawn, but it raises your chances of succes TREMENDOUSLY. I really loved that feature and stopped playing CSGo, once they removed bots from competitive (cuz i still dont really get it).



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