Cool ranked experience last night

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 13, 2023 2:55 PM

Last night my friends and I were 5 stacking (2 gold 3s and 3 plats) and we got queued into a match with an ascendant, and 2/3 plats. We were not doing great to start and finished defense losing pretty badly (8-4 I believe).

The other team was flaming us in chat telling us to ff, but we decided to just send it. We came up with some great strats for attack and were able to make some good plays and bring the game to overtime where we finally ended up beating them 14-12. One of the best feelings I've had gaming in a while; channeling our inner-strategist and making a big comeback against a team with a significantly higher average rank.

Just wanted to share that experience and to encourage people to try to strategize and make plays when things aren't going well.



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