Cosmetic Idea: Game/Agent Badges

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 8, 2021 4:36 PM


I came up with following Idea: Account Badges. I was inspired by Apex Legends Badge system, which I think does everything right and I think a simmilar system could be implemented in Valorant.

How it works:

The Badge can be equipped and swapped through the Collection Menue. It would appear simmilar to Act Ranks, so it would be visible, in the Beginning of the Game. In order to get a Badge, you have to do reach a specific amount of things, like HP healed, wich will unlock the Badge, which can be upgraded over Time to diffrent Tiers from I to IV, and it becomes more difficult to upgrade it each tier. Here and Example, how it could look in Game:

In game view

The Diffrent Badges:

I came up with some Ideas for Badges:

Game Based

Agent Badge

The Idea is, that the Badge you unlocked for Omen (see above) is only visible, when you select Omen.


I think that badges are something that you grind for, and want to upgrade, so you need to play a lot of games for it to upgrade. This adds more Depth to the game and I think it is something fun to grind for

NOTE: Some of the Badges are straight out of Apex Legends, and are only there to give you a Virtual representation, on how it could look.



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