Crosshair Collection

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 24, 2021 2:26 AM

Crosshair Collection

I have collected some crosshairs. You can make your own crosshairs using these as a base to work on. Keep in mind that these crosshair were collected for 1080p gameplay. However, you can still benefit from these by building your own using the footprints.

The configs are the captions for each crosshair.Index:

O- Oulines

IL- Inner Lines

OL- Outerlines

Note that outlines can just be preference so experiment as much as you want to find what suits you.

I'll be adding more crosshairs in the comments as well since the limit is 20 pics.

Feel free to add more configs in the comments.



IL 1144

IL 1 1 10 2

IL 1112

IL 1131( A circle)

IL 1163(Aproto special)

IL 1173 OL1131 (Instagram Logo XD)

IL 1124

IL 1232 OL 1510 (Shuriken CH)

IL 1232

IL 1311 OL 1131

IL 1312 OL 1170(maze)

IL 1313 OL 0133

IL 1313 OL 0133

IL 1411 OL 1232(looks beautiful)

IL 1413

IL 1512 OL 1232

IL 1523(thicc)

O on IL 1312

IL 1313 (Sinatraa special)

Edit: Thank you for the awards šŸ˜šŸ˜



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