Posted by Steve
Monday, May 3, 2021 2:55 AM
Hey guys.
I’m a cypher main and have been playing for quite a while. I play a bit aggressive usually and use my cams while pushing. But want to speak about one issue that i believe many people face.
When you tag someone with the cam or reveal their location with his ult, the enemies are highlighted in yellow. One of my closest friend is colourblind in yellow and always asks me to not tag them while he’s pushing. I’m not colourblind, but I too feel that there should be an option to change the colour of the tags, just like how we can choose the enemy’s highlight colour. I think the yellow is really distracting and wish that the devs would address this issue. It might just be a side feature, but i believe it would help a lot of people. Hope that the other players agree with me.
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