Daily gaming health reminder!

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 10:36 PM

I saw a post about someone having hand and wrist pain from playing, so I wanted to share my answer since it could be helpful or at least be a reminder to take care of your health, often a forgotten topic in the gaming community.

Basically, if you are feeling constant hand or wrist pain, you should:

- take a break until all discomfort is gone.

- if possible, go see a doctor.

- in the future, always remember to stretch your hand/arm/fingers.

- don't grip your mouse so hard, try to always consciously grab it lightly and always actively try to relax your hand. At first it might be hard and you will lose fights because of it (since you are used to holding your mouse in a different way) but you will get used to it and then it'll be something automatic.

- check if you have proper posture in your chair and desk. Ideally you should be sitting in a way that your arm is bent in 90º (so, from the shoulder straight down and the 90º at your elbow pointing at the table, and your forearm resting in the desk). Only resting your wrist with a bent arm below the table is a big nono for joint health in the long run (btw if it is bent the other way around i.e higher than the table, it will cause shoulder problems so avoid that too). Yes, a lot of people (including pro players) play in VERY weird postures, but it is better not to take any chances.

- Finally, feeling that your hand is "tired" from playing too much is normal, but if you start to feel discomfort or pain you should always stop until it is gone.

Gaming is fun!, but remember to take care my friends.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vm0aoj/daily_gaming_health_reminder/
  • https://reddit.com/vm0aoj

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