de_Nuke Remade in a Valorant Artstyle

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 27, 2023 3:24 PM

Hello beautiful people,

In the last year or so I've been working on the following project, with the general question of the topic being "How would a Valorant designer re-make a CS map, seeing as the two art styles are so different?" A burning question which absolutely nobody has ever asked, however I am here to answer it regardless.
And here it is, my version of how CS' Nuke would look in Valorants artstyle! I chose to re-make Nuke's A site, as I felt like it's the most recognizable part of the map for a lot of people, but also the art style changes and ideas I had would shine through the most in this part of the map. I tried to make a baby between the two game styles, with the idea of staying loyal to the original map's scale, position of assets and general presentation, whilst implementing Varlotants modern art style and fancy, slick looks.

All of the assets, textures, lighting etc has been done by me, a list of software used and further pictures can be found on the ArtStation!

Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoy!:)

Further pictures of the level can be found here!



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