Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 12:17 AM
I'm very sure most, if not all of us here have dealt with toxic players (wether it's ranked or unranked). These players usually have a big ego and think they're the best while the rest of their team sucks, use cheats to win no matter what, start spamming the voice/text chat talking bs, think their teammates should do exactly as they say or otherwise they become upset and start sabotaging the game, start a game then become AFK and a wide etc we all know at this point.
I'm honestly tired of not enjoying and losing games due to this type of individuals, so here's an idea for the devs: Just like you're able to report these players, how about an addition to the game where you can actually BLOCK THEM?
This would work as a two-way road: Firstly, players will be able to get rid of toxic people while matchmaking (the matchmaking becomes "cleaner" as you ban of your games more toxic players). On the other hand, these bans will be taken by the system, so the more blocks those users get, the more obvious it is they're doing something wrong and the system can get rid of them. Of course this last point won't prevent those players to create new accs, but at least the risk of losing the one they're using at that moment becomes higher.
I know Vanguard it's supposed to be catching and banning these players, but honestly I don't think it's been working that well, at least not in my region (Europe). What do you think guys? Any other ideas/additions to the one I've exposed are welcome ofc.
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