Posted by Steve
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 12:31 PM
Do not beg for heal and then throw when you don't get it ONE ROUND. Story time.
Dude was playing Viper. Second round of the game he was begging for a heal from me, Sage, as I was rotating to the site where spike was planted. I told him I cant atm, Skye is near you, have her heal. He said "but your heal is up so heal me" and then Skye and I both got picked off by someone we couldnt hear due to him and he threw the round. Then I told him how it is: begging for a heal does not mean we have to heal you if it is not the priority at the moment. He then proceeded to go on a tirade against me and Skye, throwing the game, giving callouts to the other team, and either using his poison on himself or being the last alive and not defusing. My team reported him, but the other team refused and agreed with the Viper...that guy is going to get off scot-free because this community is so toxic that someone ACTUALLY throwing is a joke and free win for them...
Dont ask for someone to play healer and then treat them like this...simple as that.
If anyone else has stories like these, feel free to share.
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