Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 19, 2020 8:40 PM
Title says all.
When I play deathmatch I play to warm up, practice my aim and spray but I find FFA unbearable to play. The spawns are still god awful in my opinion. Like some of the spawns just shouldn't exist, such as spawning at t and ct spawns on any given map. I'm still running to my gunfights and I usually die after running around for a good 30 seconds because some bloke spawned behind me, and it feels so unrewarding because I haven't at least killed 1 person. I just wish the spawns were closer to encourage more PVP, rather than running to the fights and etc. It feels like I'm playing a fucking battle royale.
Another thing that annoys me is the respawn times. I think the respawn times are like around 2.5 seconds? WHY? It's an FFA why should I wait to respawn???? Who cares about the integrity of the deathmatch or what not. I just wanna frag out and practice. The instant respawn timers on warm up are 10x better imo. Straight back into the action.
These are just simply my thoughts and how I would envision FFA should be. It's key to note that I come from CSGO FFA and i'm comparing my experience from there to valorant FFA.
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