Deathmatch Sucks

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 2, 2021 5:05 AM

I have tried to turn off sound, walk around, and react to people I see to warmup, but the gamemode still sucks.

  1. Remove the whole aspect of winning. No time limit, no kill limit.
  2. Remove the damn UAV. I get that people sit in corners and watch angles, but that's honestly something to practice against and something people should be able to practice without having a UAV fuck them over.
  3. Drop in and drop out. Constant running games where people can drop in, warmup, and leave no problem.
  4. Instant respawn. Why the fuck does that warmup for deathmatch have instant respawn, but the actual game doesnt?
  5. Why does deathmatch even have a warmup if it's supposed to be the warmup gamemode?
  6. Ten players max or fix the respawns so that you can spawn anywhere as long as it's not within a certain distance of another player.

Deathmatch was a good idea when they added it, but with the way it is now it's utter garbage and not a good way to warmup imo.




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