Disable audio in deathmatch

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 29, 2021 4:07 PM

Idk man just tired of getting prefired by kids sitting in corners in a game mode made for getting warm. Lol

Edit: for those saying get better, lol. I play with no sound and music fucking CRANKED. It’s just an annoyance when I’m running around and just get swung by someone camping spawns. I wanna warm up not play respawn simulator.

Another edit: wow a lot of mixed comments, also didn’t expect this much attention lmfao. I was in a dm blasting gaming tracks on Spotify and was just getting swung by kids with their audio at 100% when I spawn and was just getting a little annoyed at how people play dm. The only thing that plagues dm is the radar and spawn sounds for me. And for those who defended dm as is are probably the kids who sit around and camp spawns not allowing others to play the game. The warmup imo is the best form of dm. Idfk man I’m just spitballin. I just want to queue for dm and not get placed with kids who play dm like it’s VCT masters trying out for Sentinels LOL. I’m not saying my aim is dirty, but the reason I am complaining is due to the fact I want to get it better, but am literally unable due to the fact I am respawning the entire game because of kids shooting me in the side when they hear me spawn.

If you don’t wanna read all that crap: I just wish deathmatch was like the warmup period. No spawn sounds and no radar with the addition of removing audio.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mf8qvb/disable_audio_in_deathmatch/
  • https://reddit.com/mf8qvb

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