Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 12, 2022 1:43 PM
I don't understand how an intended "Warmup" mode is made competitive.. I can't warmup clearing angles because this games sound is cranked to 100% and people can hear a spawn half way across the map. I haven't had a single organic duel in this mode because people just hear you and swing like they are Tarzan.
It's so bad it's like a blindman stands a chance at getting to 40 first. speaking of which, WHY 40? wtf is the point, let people hop in and out whenever they please. to add onto that... way to many people.. the mode starts and you have half the lobby spawning on each other.. It's no fun dying, then spawning and getting instantly swung again cause Larry heard the spawn behind him.
Speaking of Spawns. Why does DM spawn you directly behind the guy who killed you? you know how many times I've killed someone for them to just spawn on me and charge me down? I just don't understand how this mode can get no attention. Spike rush/Replication has seen more attention than this. DM IMO can be the best way to warmup nothing will do it better but I rather go into the range or Aimlabs...
all this mode gets out of people is listening to peoples steps/spawns and wide swinging off that. Nothing more.
You guys promised you’d make the quality of the game better. This would be a great start
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