Posted by Steve
Saturday, January 15, 2022 7:14 AM
DM is by far one of the WORST modes out there for how Riot does it. I know they know its bad but it's neglected because it "gets the job done" I won't go into detail because well, We all know why DM is very bad and there is no point bringing up the same points for the millionth time. I just don't understand how Range and Customs is STILL DOWN after all this time. I rather warm up with Bots and just random movement but I can't so i either go into a match cold or I have a miserable time in DM.. there are so many issues with DM but it barely has been touched since they released it..
How does resetting an Act completely mess up Custom matches and the Range of all things.... I don't understand.. you fixed Neon in hours you cancel maps and fix them in hours as well. but for the life of me, you keep Range/Customs down for 50+ hours. WTF. Not even a simple update as to why.. like I can get behind why it's down if you let us know, but god damn shouldn't it be a priority. Or does riot seriously not understand how valuable the practice range is...
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