Do you feel that the changes to ranked where players can only play within 3 ranks has increased smurfing or made the game more balanced? Do you think the upcoming fast track ranks for smurfs will increase throwing?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 3:24 AM

I’m getting really mixed games. Some are very even and it’s awesome. But others I am finding a lot of smurfs who have ranked down intentionally or play on an alt to play with their friends. I personally think Riot had good intentions in matchmaking making fairer, but I guess I’ve experienced some of the negative outcomes to it as well. I look forward to the day that they implement the “smurf” fast track rankings. But it also bears the question of when the next step happens, will this increase people completely throwing games? AFK would be one issue I see increase or feeding kills. Will the reporting system be beefed up to support heavier penalties for accounts that do this? I may have missed it but I haven’t really seen Riot formally come forward once to say Smurfing is not ok and is punishable? Obviously they know it’s a problem and they are trying to improve people’s experience of the game.

I would like to hear people’s thoughts on this, what you are experiencing now and what you think we should be cautious of in the future? It’s definitely a though one to solve for.



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