Do you feel like you always die due to your mistakes and never bcause opponents outplayed you?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 2, 2023 7:00 AM

I played every competitive game out there and Valorant is only one that makes me feel stupid when i die. It always feels like i am bad and slowly it's starting to eat my confidence away. I never die and think wow that was good play that i need to practise to do, it's always wow i sucked at this fight and could have done much better. In other competitive games it's clear when someone is better and it's easy to see that they are better instead of feeling like they did right and only optimal play and you just sucked. But in Valorant it always seems like i just played worse instead of doing right thing. Does this happen to anyone else? I played with diamonds all the way to silvers and every time it's like i did bad and never wow they did something better than good.



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