Posted by Steve
Thursday, August 25, 2022 12:02 PM
I've been playing valorant for like a year and a half now, at one point or another I've played every agent and in ranked (D1) I flex to just about any agent/role, but JESUS I cannot play KJ, Viper, Fade, Breach, or Yoru.
I've always loved KJ and Vipers character design but KJ is just so boring. I'm a somewhat aggressive player even when I lurk but its so annoying feeling like I'm on a leash trying to stay close enough to my util to not get my team flanked every round. Before chamber dropped my sentinel of choice was always cypher just because i had freedom to go wherever I wanted but still control the map.
Viper, idk, I came from playing strictly omen/cypher (they were the first people I unlocked when I started playing) for like 2-3 episodes and then playing Astra for another 2 or 3. Being able to go wherever I want on a map and still give my teammates smokes is a luxury you don't really get with viper (i mean, you do... but you dont) and it just kind of hinders the way I want to play more often than not. Plus I don't care to much for learning lineups for every inch of the map. I know a couple (since I'm a flex player its always good to have 1-2) but idk her character looks so cool but playing her is like, very tedious.
Fade. well fade just feels like I'm button mashing for 90 of the game and she just doesn't feel fun. Similar with Yoru minus the fun part! Yoru is fun but the second I go into his ult my brain turns off and I basically dump every piece of util, somehow teleport to a different map, tp back and forget to flash/decoy before my ult ends and I'm basically just standing in the middle of a warzone.
Breach idk his kit seems very cool to me but I always feel like I'm a step or two behind when I play him. (same with brim but idk why cause I can play kayo just fine.)
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