Do you have problems winning valorant deathmatch in SEA servers ? Do you just lose aim battles everytime you peek an enemy ? Do you struggle to get 40 kills in deathmatch even tho your level is 256 in valorant ? Well i've just got the thing for you !

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 11, 2022 9:09 AM

Our company hold angles in valorant deathmatch cult™ has a guide that will solve your problems but before we get to the business part we'll give you a sneak peak to our guide.

STEP 1 : Blast the game's volume at 100 and windows volume at 100. That way you can hear where the enemies are coming ! ez pz lemon squeezy.

STEP 2 : Since you just keep losing aim battles and it's hurting your confidence. You can now just hold angles and combine it with step 1. SO that way you can just hear the enemy coming and just shoot them while they're not looking at you !

STEP 3 : Struggling with a riffle in deathmatch ? You can now hold angles in deathmatch using operator. Which is a one hit gun ! If you combine it with step 1 and 2 you'll get all the kills easily.

STEP 4 : But..but..but,, holding angles are boring. A HAH ! i've got just the thing

Do you want to know about step 5 ? Buy the rest of the guide on our website which is the one you see now on the bottom of the screen on your TV ! with a 1.99 $ you'll get the full guide and free confidence points.

Now for the questions that our company gets the most frequently is :

  1. How does this improve my aim ? Simple ! it doesn't you silly goose <3
  2. Will i ever be as good as the professionals ? AHHAHAHA. Of course not.
  3. Then what's the point of buying this guide ? EXACTLY ! there is no point because you won't improve ! buuuuuuuuuut it'll improve your confidence *audience claps and laughs*

For anymore further questions you can just visit the website from our company on the bottom of your tv screen. Which IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS !!!!!

Alright see ya later folks !

SIDE EFFECTS WARNING : doing this guide might make you stay in silver for the rest of your life and may cause mentality damage.

Yes i've completely lost my sanity playing deathmatch in sea servers. It's worse than NA or EU at least from what i've seen on people's streams.



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