Do you still play to win in unrated?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 10:50 PM

I was playing unrated bc I was playing bad and didn't want to mess up my rank (especially this close to the end of the act). This sage on my team was rushing onto site right away with a sheriff every round. After we were losing 8-2 I told him to stay back for a little and let the duelists push. He then told me "nah I'm good, it doesn't matter anyway its unrated" and then continued to not heal/rez all game.

I dont mind people messing around in unrated sometimes but that game I was trying to work on getting out of my slump so I could go play some comp and wanted to try and play well.

Am I justified by getting mad at this guy or should I not be getting mad since it's just unrated?



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