Do you think slightly negative K/D as a smoker main is bad?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 19, 2022 1:43 AM

Let me give you some context. I’ve been struggling with this game lately and I partially blame myself, partially blame my elo. I’ve been ranking up and deranking from Gold basically daily so I just want to know how to improve in order to get out of this hell. I very rarely bottom frag, I tend to top frag more than I bottom frag. Sometimes though I gave slightly negative K/D. For example, last game was 17/19 for me. I started playing smokes because it seems like I have a good understanding of maps and positioning, in fact I think I’m pretty decent as a smoker. That and basically the non-existing smokers whenever I play. I still don’t know why I’m this elo hell. What do you think?



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